Developing a sustainable & resilient community
See the sub-menus for reports of the working groups in the VISION21 initiative.
Setting the scene
While politicians and the media focus on matters of the moment which often seem of little relevance to local communities, Ludlow 21 wishes to help Ludlow prepare for a future which will be fundamentally and detrimentally impacted by climate change, diminishing non-renewable resources and global political instability¹. This includes the recognition that the wellbeing of communities in the developing world, must stand alongside resilience in local communities in the affluent west. Awareness of these impending changes and preparedness for them are often referred to as ‘resilience’. So, as well as helping our community become more ‘resilient’ we also need to combine this with patterns of living
that are‘sustainable’².
We believe that Ludlow has the expertise and the resources to adopt the changes that will soon be required across the UK. The changes we propose are achievable and have been demonstrated successfully in many transition towns across the UK and in local fiscal communities internationally. Big change can be accomplished in incremental, small steps and we propose that every sector of the Ludlow community participate and contribute towards the larger goal.
The Vision
Ludlow 21 will work with the community to increase self sustainability and build resilience to the impact of climate change, diminishing resources and global instability.
The Strategy
This is simply a revitalising of the original aims of the UN’s Local Agenda21 initiative, created at the Rio Conference in 1992, but success will require engagement with all the communities and local groups within the town and environs. It would be a long term programme but, initially, could begin with easily achievable goals. These are some examples of areas that need to be tackled which are within the scope of community organisations given the necessary support from local government and other agencies.
• Making all homes well insulated and energy efficient.
• Building a strong local economy that sources all possible goods and services locally.
• Maximum self-sufficiency in local food production that minimises reliance on buying in food from outside.
• Generation of local renewable energy.
• Develop local transport systems.
• Provision of water from local supplies.
• Fostering a cohesive and supportive community that works together for the common good.
• Empower small scale farmers and producers in developing countries through support of fair trade and trade justice.
The role of Ludlow 21 is to work collaboratively with other interested parties to create and bring alive this vision so that different arms of the community are energised to take on specific tasks and then to help co-ordinate these tasks and work towards the goal of a resilient and sustainable Ludlow.
1 See IPCC Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report and United Nations response.
2 Living our lives in ways that enhance the environment and conserve the earth’s resources, allowing future generations the opportunity to enjoy a good quality of life in stable, equitable communities, on a healthy planet.