Green Drinks started over 20 years ago as part of an international initiative heading into the Millennium and raising awareness of the need for environmental change. Many towns held Green Drink evenings/meetings regularly, including Ludlow which has met on the 21st of every month.
Since the pandemic, however, attendance has fallen and we would like your views on whether there is support for Green Drinks to continue in Ludlow and if so, in what ways.
We would like your views! Please take a few minutes to answer the questions in our survey by following the link below:
The Ludlow 21 AGM will take place on Thursday 19th October at Ludlow Brewery, starting at 7pm.
All welcome.
This will be a chance to find out about the work of Ludlow 21 and its family of groups over the last year, plans for the future, and how you can get involved.
All papers relating to the AGM can be downloaded here:
The formal business of the AGM will be followed by a ‘Green Power Hour’ where other local groups will give short talks about their work relating to environment and sustainability. Speakers include:
Ludlow Bathing Water Group
Friends of Mortimer Forest
Save The Meadow CIC
Friends of Gallows Bank
Shropshire Wildlife Trust Ludlow Branch
Further speakers TBC
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Ludlow Green Festival on Sunday 9th July will feature a Big Swap and Giveaway run by our friends at South Shropshire Climate Action. Bring along your toys, books, games, DVDs, CDs, clothes and household items to swap for free or take for a pay-as-you-can donation.
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There’s something for everyone at this Sunday’s Green Festival. Live music, inspiring speakers, delicious local food and drink, open allotments, face painting, a big swap, foraging walks, energy advice, over 40 stalls of local eco-friendly traders and organisations, and a whole host of free family activities. Come on down and join the fun! Sunday 9th July 10am – 4pm Castle Square, Ludlow.
The ever-popular Ludlow Green Festival returns this year on Sunday, July 9th in Castle Square. The theme of this festival is the ‘Worldwide Web of Life’ which indicates that everything in life is somehow connected and reliant on each other. Therefore, the overall aim of the day is to highlight the importance of everybody reconnecting with nature. The consequences of years of not doing right by the planet are now too obvious to ignore. Living a greener life is no longer an eccentric fad: it is an absolute necessity.
The Green Festival brings together a great range of people keen to share their expertise and passion for living a more sustainable life. We invite you to come along and meet them, listen to them, discuss ideas, take part in activities – be inspired.
On the day there will be many free activities for families, including a challenge where children will be able to design their own natural habitat; there will also be advice from home repair enthusiasts; you can go on foraging walks; listen to short talks on a range of subjects; children can join workshops to paint animal profiles and to weave art using natural materials; you can also bring along things to swap; and you’ll have the opportunity to meet representatives of many different local groups who are dedicated to promoting and protecting the web of life in their own areas.
They will also be a live music stage, with six different bands throughout the day. Like all the other activities, they will be free to enjoy. As always there will also be a great range of locally produced food and drink, including a Ludlow Brewery bar. Add to that the presence of dozens of stalls selling a huge range of sustainable ware, it promises to be a great day out. Come along and join us on Sunday, 9th July between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
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It’s that time of the month again! Green Drinks will be next Tuesday 21st March from 7.30pm at the Blue Boar, Mill Street, Ludlow.
This month Incredible Edible Ludlow will be hosting a get-together from 7pm to talk about what they’re doing and how you can get involved, so if you have a particular interest in all things edible and growing, please come early (although don’t worry if you can’t, the Incredible Edible half hour will blend seamlessly into Green Drinks so there will still be a chance to chat.)
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Groups from South Shropshire are joining thousands of others peacefully surrounding Parliament on Friday 21st April to demand government climate action.No glue! No road blocks! No arrests! This is a peaceful protest and all are invited. Ludlow 21 is pleased to be able to subsidise the cost of a coach to London, so please come and join us. Ludlow to London return: Adults £5 if we fill the coach, max. £15 if we don’t. Students and children free. Times TBC (5-6am start from Ludlow)To book a place see email details in the poster below. For more information on this and other days of action (22, 23, 24 April) see
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Incredible Edible Ludlow are working with Ludlow Town Council to plant more fruit trees in public spaces around the town. Recently five local variety apple trees were planted near the play area at Housman Crescent. In a few years these will be yielding an apple harvest for local people to pick!
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