Ludlow Green Festival 2023

The date for this year’s Ludlow Green Festival is now confirmed as Sunday 9th July.  Make a note in your diaries!

To get the ball rolling, the first Green Festival planning meeting will be held on Tuesday 31st January, 7.30pm in the upstairs room at the Rose & Crown.
All welcome – previous volunteers and new faces!  Please come along if you have ideas, suggestions, or would like to get more involved in the running of the Green Festival.

Volunteer needed for stall bookings
To ensure the smooth running of the Green Festival we are looking for a new volunteer to take on the co-ordination of stall bookings.
The role involves communicating with stallholders, sending out booking forms, recording bookings, ensuring all the correct paperwork is in place, and helping to draw up a plan of stall locations.
Please get in touch if you are interested.

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